How To Prevent Eczema From Bacterial Infections
Eczema symptoms are characterised by inflammed, red and blotchy skin. If you have eczema, it is likely that you will want to scratch youself in the affected parts due to the intense itch. There is also no cure for eczema.Eczema is not contagious or infectious. What can worsen eczema is the possibility of getting a secondary infection from bacteria. Dry skin can cause eczema symptoms to become worse and increased permeability of the skin means that it is easy for it to be invaded by a viral or bacterial infection. Itching and scratching yourself also increased the chances of you getting a bacterial infection.
Herpes simplex, viral molluscum, and warts are a few of the secondary infections that eczema sufferers may get, as well as bacterial infections like staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. There are other skin problems that can develop from eczema worsening, including crusting or scaling of the skin, cheilitis (inflammation around the lip area), papules (small, raised, rough bumps on the skin), and darkened eyelids.
Keeping your skin moisturized is one of the easiest ways to prevent skin infections from eczema. This is to stop yourself from scratching your scaly skin. Some gentle moisturizers that I recommend are Lubriderm, Moisturel, Aquaphor, Alpha Keri, Eucerin, Curel, or even Vaseline at least two to three times. Check with your health practitioner to see what he or she recommends as well.
It is important that you do not allow your skin to become dry or to the point of feeling dry and scaly. If that happens, moisturise more times than what you are currently doing. It is also important to hydrate yourself inside by drinking six to eight glasses of water a day. This helps to guard against infections by flushing out your organs.
If you have broken or cracked skin, then you have an open door for bacteria to come into your body through your skin. The way to prevent this is to try to keep from scratching. You may need to use extra moisturizer or hydrocortisone cream to assist control the itching. Beat Eczema Review
Cutting your fingernails to a short length will also help, because you this will prevent you from causing much damage. If you find that you scratch at night while you sleep, then you may want to find a pair of thin gloves and wear them while you sleep so that you cannot damage your skin.
If, despite all your efforts, you still have cracks or breaks in your skin, then you need to apply an antibiotic cream to the area and bandage it until it starts medical.
There are other ways to assist prevent eczema related infections, too. An air purification system in your home or office can filter out many of the allergens that can cause a flare-up of your eczema. A humidifier can add moisture to the air and keep your skin moist, too.
Adding fatty fish, like sardines and salmon, can also assist, as well as adding flax seed in powder or oil form. These foods have omega-3 acids in them, which assist remove swelling in the skin. Avoid hydrogenated oils as much as possible because they can cause a flare-up of your eczema
Learning more about your eczema will help you to learn to live with it and help prevent infections.
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